Team Blog – Ian Walker – 21st February 2012

Tuesday, 21 February 2012 | by ADOR

There really is little to report out here except for the fact the wind has gone hard right lifting us up into quite a big head-sea. It is uncomfortable rather than boat breaking but the helmsman needs to be alert for the odd wave with no back to it.

It was a very dark night with no visible horizon which made it especially hard to helm accurately. Paul (aka Big Breeze) Willcox has settled into the crew well and seems to be enjoying himself. The lads are already winding him up about the equator crossing.

In the race Camper is using its extra height nicely to hold their strong position right of the fleet and Telefonica is speeding its way out of a slightly tricky position to the left. We seem to be going a bit better with our new mainsail and slightly different trim but still cannot quite match the pace of the leading three. The weather models are all over the place right now and the exit strategy through the Luzon Straits is far from clear so I suspect we may see some very different tactics leading to some opportunities over the next few days.

For now though it is just a question of once again bashing upwind and wondering about how great these last two legs would have been if we had sailed in the other direction!

date: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 15:39:25 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)

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Comments [9]

Thursday, 08 March 2012 10:40:56 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Of course, Trinidad also has a very large Hindu ctmmunioy (V.S. Naipaul being the best-known son of this group). I wonder how this affects them. Can't be good.
Friday, 09 March 2012 05:59:57 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Aww, love this. That sweater is fabulous (and so are you!). I have a sweater that's quite faded and several sizes too big, but it's gone through three generations of women in my family and although my mom keeps egging me to get rid of it I don't think I'll ever be able to.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012 06:02:45 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
especially because we can confirm some awesome names speaking that weekend! Evo Terra, the fabulous Amy Donohue, and we even have some local TV news fame speaking- 3-TV?s Carey Pena!  Who would want to miss

Saturday, 17 March 2012 05:40:05 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

Sunday, 18 March 2012 06:18:11 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

Saturday, 24 March 2012 11:46:45 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

Wednesday, 28 March 2012 08:42:54 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

Thursday, 29 March 2012 10:05:51 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

Monday, 04 June 2012 06:16:16 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
For now though it is just a question of once again bashing upwind and wondering about how great these last two legs would have been if we had sailed in the other direction!
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